Eating Disorder Help Now is a revolutionary, medically based program of eating disorder recovery you can do from the privacy of your own home. Whether you're trying to pull out of an eating disorder spiral, have a loved one with an eating disorder, or want to quiet the constant obsession with food and body, EDHN is the resource you've been looking for. Private, affordable, effective. 

DISCLAIMER: This program is not meant to be used in place of in-person diagnosis and treatment by a licensed medical provider. Please dial 911 if you are considering harming yourself.

Your instructor

Despite there being more diets, exercises, and "health" programs than ever before, eating disorder statistics continue to climb. Something isn't working.

For the past 25 years, Amelia Lindberg, Physical Therapist, Certified Lymphedema Therapist, public speaker, and author, has fine-tuned this revolutionary eating disorder recovery program. Her years of research have revealed the missing component to lasting eating disorder recovery: sensory modulation.

Once only available to her private clients, she now has made her program accessible to all through her online course EDHN, her public speaking, and her book Ozempanic (publishing 2025).

She has started a long-overdue eating disorder recovery revolution.